About that Roving….

Here is a space for crafters on the move. Jenn and Jess are knitters, crocheters, and spinners that take their craft with them wherever they may go.  If you’re squeezing in a few sock rounds while stuck in traffic, you’re our kind of crafter. If you’re crocheting a granny square scarf at the bar on a Friday night, we want to buy your next round. If you’ve decided to spin the yarn for your next sweater on a drop spindle instead of a wheel simply because it makes your work more portable … we totally understand.

the delight is incomplete till it is expressed. – C. S. Lewis

We’re glad your (digital) roving brought you to us. Here you can share your love of yarn, complain about the size of your stash, and admit to having 27 Work In Progress’s. Its a judgement free zone! And if you’re (real world) roving happens takes you to Austin Texas on a Thursday night, join us and our crafting group at the Austin Community College – South Austin Campus.  We’ll be in the student break room. With yarn.

2 thoughts on “About that Roving….

  1. No chance I will be making it to your evening class since the Atlantic ocean stands between us, but I am enjoying your blog. Feeling inspired, I have now made myself a drop spindle and am awaiting the postman who should be bringing the roving I have ordered: mail order is the only way where I am so I have absolutely no idea what the 100gm of Herdwick will be like…other than grey and woolly …. I thought I would start with something natural and homegrown for my first attempt at spinning.


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