Tag Archives: spinning

Spinning in Cowgirl Boots – Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle

Want to kick back and listen to me muddle and fuddle up another classic tale? Good. Because I have another Spinning In Cowgirl Boots for ya.

spindle shuttle and needle with text

Continue reading Spinning in Cowgirl Boots – Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle

Spin To Win

So the other day I grabbed my spinning wheel, and some fiber, and drove over to my favorite locally owned coffee shop. Its called Quacks 43rd Street Bakery. I live in city that thinks it worth time and effort to maintain a never-ending public campaign to Keep Austin Weird. For the record, at Quacks they have no trouble keeping it weird.

two wool fibers hand spun into singles
These are the two colorways, both merino wool, that I have been spinning.

Quacks is halfway across town for me and I probably drive past 18 Starbucks to get there. But its worth it. They have a nice outdoor area where I can sit and spin (without being assaulted by air conditioning!) and they have the best chia I’ve ever tasted.

Continue reading Spin To Win

Spinning in Cowgirl Boots – Homespuns and the American Revolution

The Struggle for Freedom Meant You Took to Your Spinning Wheel

Happy Birthday America. The freedoms enjoyed in this, my home country, were hard won as all freedom is. Today we hear cries of how freedom is under attack. Guess what?  It always was and it always will be. The people who enjoy freedom must never forget that.

Continue reading Spinning in Cowgirl Boots – Homespuns and the American Revolution

Spinning in Cowgirl Boots – A History of Red Dye

I’ll never be a dyer of fiber or yarn. I leave that to others. I have a mommy that dyes fiber with stuff she finds in her backyard and a close friend that dyes yarn with commercial acid  based formulas. Mostly I just play assistant and/or appreciative audience. Mostly I just say things like “Ooo! That’s pretty.”

red yarn dyed with cochineal

Continue reading Spinning in Cowgirl Boots – A History of Red Dye

Picking a Pattern for Handspun Yarn

My polwarth spinning project is progressing. I have a few finished skeins to show off and, while I’m not done with the spinning, I’m far enough along that I’m thinking about patterns. Any pattern I use for a handspun yarn has to be flexible, workable in any weight of yarn, and easy to modify to suit the amount of yarn I actually have. Here are some patterns that have what I’m looking for.

Four Patterns That Will Work For Handspun Yarn

Continue reading Picking a Pattern for Handspun Yarn